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Tauntaun Spaceways Seeking Contract Pilots
Posted by: Axter Slow, Green Magic
Date: Year 21 Day 305 From the Starport Red Nerf Starport in Red Nerf on Mindor (45, 152).

Red Nerf, Mindor --

Legendary mid-rim bush pilot Zhou Al-Bryan, CEO and Owner of Tauntaun Spaceways, released a short statement earlier today expressing the need for seasonal pilots to help the famed logistics company handle a surge in haulage contracts.  Citing an unexpected need for cargo both small and large to be transported in the northern mid-rim, the normally cantankerous pilot was surprisingly uncombative as he urged all pilots to apply for short-term contracts with the company, with most expected to last a month or so.

"It seems like everybody with two credits to rub together has decided they need all of their belongs moved around.  I've got plenty of ships, but I need the pilots to fly 'em.  Normally I'd tell you to come by our headquarters on Champala, but right now we've temporarily moved our new pilots signups to the city of Red Nerf on Mindor as we work through some technical issues.  The pay is excellent, and I've got some fun old birds for you to fly around that you don't normally see these days."

Mr. Al-Bryan also noted that pilots with less experience are also invited to participate, and will be given a complimentary check ride and type rating sign-off if required.  Interested parties should contact Tauntaun Spaceways at their office in the Starport of Red Nerf.

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