Arjuna Ketwol |
- Planning the SW Combine global conception and design.
- Assigning ships, facilities, vehicles, and other equipment.
- Monitoring violations of Combine rules.
- Monitoring Faction activities and assisting where necessary.
- Assisting Implementation Team in development of Factions.
- Creating and updating the Combine rules.
- Creating and updating some server scripts.
- General Overseeing of the Combine.
Remus Sortan |
- Planning the SW Combine global conception and design.
- Assigning ships, facilities, vehicles, and other equipment.
- Monitoring violations of Combine rules.
- Monitoring Faction activities and assisting where necessary.
- Assisting Implementation Team in development of Factions.
- Creating and updating the Combine rules.
- Creating and updating some server scripts.
- General Overseeing of the Combine.
Arya Solus |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Clarr Klaubo |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Coastas Dev |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Dabby Dabbs |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Dex Sehrin |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Dwemner Askalad Tester |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Eli Descartes |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Evan |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Hazamuzee Seph |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
His Tortleness |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Kay Dallben |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Kolo Dev |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Malzero Ghon |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Noctis Brokeit |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Onasha Katr |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Ondoron Dondoon |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Plaster Flow |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Rafi VanMeer |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Shaynar Scarne |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Smokey Bear |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Ted Winner |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Tester Omicron-Alpha |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Tisdar Parrelli |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Tomas Alpha |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Vadik Edik |
- Managing new accounts.
- Managing multi-accounts.
- Account Issues.
- Resolving database glitches.
- Odd jobs assigned by Sim Master.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Leading SW Combine global conception and design.
- PHP Team - Management of the PHP programmers, programming planning, etc.
- Requiring rules updates to suit programming possibilities.
Erek Flast |
- Leading SW Combine global conception and design.
- PHP Team - Management of the PHP programmers, programming planning, etc.
- Requiring rules updates to suit programming possibilities.
Falcon |
- Leading SW Combine global conception and design.
- PHP Team - Management of the PHP programmers, programming planning, etc.
- Requiring rules updates to suit programming possibilities.
Helpful Dot |
- Leading SW Combine global conception and design.
- PHP Team - Management of the PHP programmers, programming planning, etc.
- Requiring rules updates to suit programming possibilities.
Mikel Mikel |
- Leading SW Combine global conception and design.
- PHP Team - Management of the PHP programmers, programming planning, etc.
- Requiring rules updates to suit programming possibilities.
Platypus Platypus |
- Leading SW Combine global conception and design.
- PHP Team - Management of the PHP programmers, programming planning, etc.
- Requiring rules updates to suit programming possibilities.
Kyle |
- Participating in the SW Combine global conception and design.
- Monitoring violations of Combine rules.
- Creating and updating the Combine rules.
- Creating and updating some server scripts.
- Managing new accounts.
- Account Issues.
Loki |
- Participating in the SW Combine global conception and design.
- Monitoring violations of Combine rules.
- Creating and updating the Combine rules.
- Creating and updating some server scripts.
- Managing new accounts.
- Account Issues.
Platypus Platypus |
- Participating in the SW Combine global conception and design.
- Monitoring violations of Combine rules.
- Creating and updating the Combine rules.
- Creating and updating some server scripts.
- Managing new accounts.
- Account Issues.
Axter Slow |
- Responsible for all database related issues.
- Advise Technical Administrators on compatibility issues.
- Make changes for the good of the databases and community where needed.
- Monitor simulation database and ensure integrity where necessary.
- Participate in the SW Combine global conception and design.
Aurek Besh |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Hq Testa |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Lan |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Malzero Ghon |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Redjon Mirrabel |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Smokey Bear |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Ted Winner |
- Assisting in the programming of Darkness.
- PHP Team - interface development, bug fixing, script maintenance, general programming.
Argo Viridian |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Aurek Besh |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Barudda Veralaa |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Dabby Dabbs |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Dev Dane |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Dex Sehrin |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Dwemner Askalad Tester |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Eli Descartes |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Elijuh Descartes |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Elubei Mont`arne |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Erek Flast |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Falcon |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Fooj Iwajo |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Helpful Dot |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Hq Testa |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Irim Simvo |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Ixie Sarpati |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Jonas Kanuteau |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Lan |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Larry Nolen |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Mador Devnami |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Malzero Ghon |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Master Soares |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Merle Jeeters |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Mikel Mikel |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Mooning Hawk |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Onasha Katr |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Ondoron Dondoon |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Owyn Darklighter |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Platypus Platypus |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Redjon Mirrabel |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Rilan Ludel |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Smokey Bear |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Sol Kerrelan |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Some Name Here |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Ted Winner |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Tester Apotheosis |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Thrall Lothbrok |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Thresh Wulflyson |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Throwaway Apotheosis |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Tomas Alpha |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Tomas Charlie |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
TorVor Tendrilhead |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Trik Kuh`runi |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Vadik Edik |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Veritrax Elaine |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Wynk Waawat |
- Bug and Feature Testing.
Butts McGee |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Dabby Dabbs |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Erek Flast |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Falcon |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Helpful Dot |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Kolo Dev |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Mikel Mikel |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Onasha Katr |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Ondoron Dondoon |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Platypus Platypus |
- Responsible for the visual side of the Combine.
- Creating images when needed.
- Coordinating Art Projects.
Argo Viridian |
- Creating 3D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating 2D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating and gathering pictures needed for the rules and web pages.
Aurek Besh |
- Creating 3D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating 2D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating and gathering pictures needed for the rules and web pages.
Hq Testa |
- Creating 3D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating 2D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating and gathering pictures needed for the rules and web pages.
Lan |
- Creating 3D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating 2D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating and gathering pictures needed for the rules and web pages.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Creating 3D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating 2D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating and gathering pictures needed for the rules and web pages.
Owyn Darklighter |
- Creating 3D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating 2D graphics for the Combine.
- Creating and gathering pictures needed for the rules and web pages.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Managing and coordinating the Descriptions team.
Erek Flast |
- Managing and coordinating the Descriptions team.
Falcon |
- Managing and coordinating the Descriptions team.
Helpful Dot |
- Managing and coordinating the Descriptions team.
Mikel Mikel |
- Managing and coordinating the Descriptions team.
Platypus Platypus |
- Managing and coordinating the Descriptions team.
Aurek Besh |
- Responsible for writing and editing all descriptions in the combine.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Responsible for writing and editing all descriptions in the combine.
Hq Testa |
- Responsible for writing and editing all descriptions in the combine.
Lan |
- Responsible for writing and editing all descriptions in the combine.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Responsible for writing and editing all descriptions in the combine.
Aurek Besh |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Erek Flast |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Falcon |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Helpful Dot |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Hq Testa |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Lan |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Loki |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Mikel Mikel |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Platypus Platypus |
- Monitors the forums and chat servers.
- Assists members with any questions and problems they have about the game.
Aurek Besh |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Erek Flast |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Falcon |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Helpful Dot |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Hq Testa |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Lan |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Loki |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Mikel Mikel |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Platypus Platypus |
- Manages and moderates official chat servers such as IRC and Discord.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Erek Flast |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Falcon |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Helpful Dot |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Mikel Mikel |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Platypus Platypus |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Aurek Besh |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Hq Testa |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Lan |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Responsible for the addition, management, and maintaince of Planets, Systems, Sectors.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Erek Flast |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Falcon |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Helpful Dot |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Mador Devnami |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Marc Turelles |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Mikel Mikel |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Onasha Katr |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Platypus Platypus |
- Managing and coordinating the NPC team
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Aurek Besh |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Dwemner Askalad Tester |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Eli Descartes |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Elijuh Descartes |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Hazamuzee Seph |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Hq Testa |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Lan |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Merle Jeeters |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Ondoron Dondoon |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Rilan Ludel |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Sol Kerrelan |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Ted Winner |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Thrall Lothbrok |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Thresh Wulflyson |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Wynk Waawat |
- Creating NPC cities.
- Decorating NPC buildings and rooms.
- Adding art items.
- Adding NPCs.
Aurek Besh |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Erek Flast |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Falcon |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Helpful Dot |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Hq Testa |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Lan |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Loki |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Mikel Mikel |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Penguin |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Platypus Platypus |
- Reviewing handle requests for new and recreating members.
- Approving or denying handle requests in accordance with rules.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Erek Flast |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Falcon |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Helpful Dot |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Loki |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Mikel Mikel |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Platypus Platypus |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Aurek Besh |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Clarr Sorbo |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Hq Testa |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Lan |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Mem Mem Mem |
- Authorising and Moderating White Scenarios.
- Creating White Scenario Rules.
- RP Training
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Help create/modify current Force skills.
Erek Flast |
- Help create/modify current Force skills.
Falcon |
- Help create/modify current Force skills.
Helpful Dot |
- Help create/modify current Force skills.
Lan |
- Help create/modify current Force skills.
Mikel Mikel |
- Help create/modify current Force skills.
Platypus Platypus |
- Help create/modify current Force skills.
Aurek Besh |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Erek Flast |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Falcon |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Helpful Dot |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Hq Testa |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Lan |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Loki |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Mikel Mikel |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Platypus Platypus |
- Deathmatch coordinator, or anything enhancing the SWC community.
Chalupa Chupacabra |
- Responsible for Combine Media and Promotions.
- Organizing Combine convention appearances.
- Public Relations Representative of the Eastern United States.
- Creating promotional and misc. works of art on the Art Team.
- Assisting in the maintenance of the Combine website when needed.
Erek Flast |
- Responsible for Combine Media and Promotions.
- Organizing Combine convention appearances.
- Public Relations Representative of the Eastern United States.
- Creating promotional and misc. works of art on the Art Team.
- Assisting in the maintenance of the Combine website when needed.
Falcon |
- Responsible for Combine Media and Promotions.
- Organizing Combine convention appearances.
- Public Relations Representative of the Eastern United States.
- Creating promotional and misc. works of art on the Art Team.
- Assisting in the maintenance of the Combine website when needed.
Helpful Dot |
- Responsible for Combine Media and Promotions.
- Organizing Combine convention appearances.
- Public Relations Representative of the Eastern United States.
- Creating promotional and misc. works of art on the Art Team.
- Assisting in the maintenance of the Combine website when needed.
Mikel Mikel |
- Responsible for Combine Media and Promotions.
- Organizing Combine convention appearances.
- Public Relations Representative of the Eastern United States.
- Creating promotional and misc. works of art on the Art Team.
- Assisting in the maintenance of the Combine website when needed.
Platypus Platypus |
- Responsible for Combine Media and Promotions.
- Organizing Combine convention appearances.
- Public Relations Representative of the Eastern United States.
- Creating promotional and misc. works of art on the Art Team.
- Assisting in the maintenance of the Combine website when needed.
Aurek Besh |
- Public Relations Representative of SWC.
- Aiding in organization of convention appearances.
Clarr Sorbo |
- Public Relations Representative of SWC.
- Aiding in organization of convention appearances.
Hq Testa |
- Public Relations Representative of SWC.
- Aiding in organization of convention appearances.
Lan |
- Public Relations Representative of SWC.
- Aiding in organization of convention appearances.
Mem Mem Mem |
- Public Relations Representative of SWC.
- Aiding in organization of convention appearances.
Frederic Fizzban Weymann (Germany) - Creator and Admin Master -- 1998 - 2000
Peter Theron Nett Wagenet - Original Webmaster
Nick Niko Moylan (New Zealand) - Creator of ICIS -- 1999 - 2002
Mario PtJedi Dominguez Silva (Portugal) - Original Art Administrator -- 1998 - 2000
Dwight Disc00rd Gosnell (USA) - Systems Administrator -- 2001 - 2003
Michael Jorran Kale Shippy (USA) - Assistant Webmaster -- xxxx - 2003
Paul PaulDaJedi Martin (USA) - Top Sites and Webring Director -- xxxx - 2004
Maxime JodoKast Robbe (Belgium) - Head Programmer -- xxxx - 2004
Ann Ann Larkin Gonzales (USA) - Public Relations Director -- 2003 - 2004
Rojan QDel (USA) - Assistant Simmaster -- 2003 - 2004
Luke Rostar Robson (England) - Assistant Simmaster -- 2003 - 2004
Sean Edward Dalen Riney (USA) - Art Assistant -- XXXX - 2004
Mark Jace Meridan Young (England) - Art Assistant -- XXXX - 2004
Zabdoo (USA) - Assistant Simmaster -- 2003
Jehan VeynomSnyers d'Attenhoven (Europe) - Simmaster -- 1999 - 2015
Baugrems (USA) - Assistant Simmaster -- 2016 - 2021