URL: | https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/inventory/{uid}/{entity_type:ships|vehicles|stations|cities|facilities|planets|items|npcs|droids|creatures|materials}/{assign_type:owner|commander|pilot}[/] |
Method: | GET |
Description: | Gets a collection of entities in an inventory |
Pattern Description: |
uid (Mandatory): name or UID of the inventory viewer (Character or Faction) entity_type (Mandatory): One-of: ships, vehicles, stations, cities, facilities, planets, items, npcs, droids, creatures, or materials assign_type (Mandatory): One-of: owner, commander, or pilot |
Rate Limited: | Yes |
Query String: |
start_index (number): The first item to retrieve from the list, from 1 onwards item_count (number): The number of items to retrieve (<= 200) filter_type (array): The type of filter to apply to the inventory. (filters are optional). One of: class, city, name, planet, sector, system, type, underconstruction, opento, protected, infotext, wreck, owner, commander, pilot, id, powered, debt, deposit, cargocontaineritems, cargocontainerdroids, container, gender, working, level, race, tags. filter_value (array): The value of the filter to apply. Values should be in the corresponding spot in the array as the type they belong to. Alternatively, to be certain the value and type match up, an array keyed by filter_type can be used. The filter_type array would still be required. Keying this array with filter types requires that filter_inclusion by keyed by filter_type as well. Multiple values for a filter type should be passed as an array (filters are optional). Value is dependent on type. The following expect UIDs or IDs: class, city, planet, sector, system, type, id, deposit, cargocontaineritems, cargocontainerdroids, race. The following must be UIDs: owner, container. The following expect name: name, infotext, commander, pilot, tags. The following expect booleans (use 0 for false and 1 for true): underconstruction, protected, wreck, powered, debt, working. The following expect integers: level. The following have enumerated lists of accepted values: opento (0 for none, 1 for faction, 2 for all), gender (M for male and F for female). For filters that accept a "None" option, pass an empty string. Spaces in names must be encoded as '+' characters. Other special characters in names may need to be URL-encoded. filter_inclusion (array): Whether to apply the filter as includes or excludes, defaults to includes. Inclusion values should be in the corresponding spot in the array as the type they belong to. Only one inclusion value per filter type. If filter_value is passed an array keyed by filter_types, this array must be keyed by filter_types. (filters are optional). One of: includes, excludes |
Parameters: | N/A |
Requires Authentication: | Yes |
Permissions: |
personal_inv_cities_read: Read basic information about your cities personal_inv_creatures_read: Read basic information about your creatures personal_inv_droids_read: Read basic information about your droids personal_inv_facilities_read: Read basic information about your facilities personal_inv_items_read: Read basic information about your items personal_inv_materials_read: Read basic information about your materials personal_inv_npcs_read: Read basic information about your NPCs personal_inv_planets_read: Read basic information about your planets personal_inv_ships_read: Read basic information about your ships personal_inv_stations_read: Read basic information about your space stations personal_inv_vehicles_read: Read basic information about your vehicles faction_inv_cities_read: Read basic information about your faction's cities faction_inv_creatures_read: Read basic information about your faction's creatures faction_inv_droids_read: Read basic information about your faction's droids faction_inv_facilities_read: Read basic information about your faction's facilities faction_inv_items_read: Read basic information about your faction's items faction_inv_materials_read: Read basic information about your faction's materials faction_inv_npcs_read: Read basic information about your faction's NPCs faction_inv_planets_read: Read basic information about your faction's planets faction_inv_ships_read: Read basic information about your faction's ships faction_inv_stations_read: Read basic information about your faction's space stations faction_inv_vehicles_read: Read basic information about your faction's vehicles |
Returns: |
200 OK: Returns a collection of all entities 400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid 401 Unauthorized: The client does not have the required permission to access this resource 404 Not Found: The specified character does not exist or you do not have authorisation to access this inventory |