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URL: https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/datacard/{uid:14\:\d+}[/]
Method: GET
Description: Gets the details about the specified datacard
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): UID of datacard
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: N/A
Parameters: N/A
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: faction_datacards_read: See your faction's datacard assignments
Returns: 200 OK: Returns information about the datacard
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The character lacks access to this datacard
404 Not Found: The specified faction does not exist

URL: https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/datacard/{uid:14\:\d+}[/]
Method: POST
Description: Creates/updates a datacard assignment
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): UID of datacard
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: N/A
Parameters: production_entity_uid (string): The UID of the production entity to assign the DC to
uses (number, optional): The number of uses to assign. Do not include if using the "unlimited" param.
unlimited (number, optional): The only permissible value is 1, representing that the DC should be assigned with unlimited uses. Do not include if uses the "uses" param.
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: faction_datacards_write: Assign or revoke your faction's datacard assignments
Returns: 200 OK: The datacard was successfully assigned
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The character lacks access to this datacard
404 Not Found: The specified faction does not exist

URL: https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/datacard/{uid:14\:\d+}[/]
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes a datacard assignment
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): UID of datacard
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: production_entity_uid (The UID of the production entity to revoke the DC from): string
Parameters: N/A
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: faction_datacards_write: Assign or revoke your faction's datacard assignments
Returns: 200 OK: The datacard was successfully revoked
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The character lacks access to this datacard
404 Not Found: The specified faction does not exist