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Web Services v2.0 Hub » Character Resources » Character/Privilege

Fully Implemented

Fully Implemented

URL: https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/character/{uid}/privileges/{privilegegroup}/{privilege}[/]
Method: GET
Description: Gets a representation of the specified character's privilege
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): name or UID of character
privilegegroup (Mandatory): name of privilege group
privilege (Mandatory): name of privilege group
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: faction_id (number): Optional, the id of the faction you want to view the priviliges for. Defaults to the token owner's own current primary faction
Parameters: N/A
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: character_privileges: Read character privileges
Returns: 200 OK: Returns the representation of the specified character's privilege
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The client does not have the required permission to access this resource
404 Not Found: The specified character does not exist or you do not have authorisation to access character information

URL: https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/character/{uid}/privileges/{privilegegroup}/{privilege}[/]
Method: POST
Description: Grants the specified user the specified priv
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): name or UID of character
privilegegroup (Mandatory): name of privilege group
privilege (Mandatory): name of privilege group
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: faction_id (number): Optional, the id of the faction you want to view the priviliges for. Defaults to the token owner's own current primary faction
Parameters: revoke (string, optional): Flags that the priv is supposed to be revoked instead of granted when any non-empty value is passed
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: character_privileges: Read character privileges
Returns: 200 OK: Assigning the priv failed for the provided reason
201 CREATED: Assigning the priv succeeded
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: There were insufficient permissions to complete this action
404 Not Found: The specified character does not exist or you do not have authorization