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Fully Implemented

Fully Implemented

Method: GET
Description: Gets a list of all messages sent to or received by the character
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): name or UID of the character. In the GET request, if different than the character whose access token is in use, results will be filtered to just the messages between these two characters. In the PUT request, this must match the character whose access token is in use
mode (Optional): One-of: sent or received. When not specified, both are included. From the perspective of the character whose access token was used
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: start_index (number): The first item to retrieve from the list, from 1 onwards
item_count (number): The number of items to retrieve (<= 50)
Parameters: N/A
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: messages_read: Read messages sent to or by the character
Returns: 200 OK: Returns a list of messages for the character
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The client does not have the required permission to access this resource
404 Not Found: The specified character does not exist or you do not have authorisation to access character information

Method: PUT
Description: Send a message from a character
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): name or UID of the character. In the GET request, if different than the character whose access token is in use, results will be filtered to just the messages between these two characters. In the PUT request, this must match the character whose access token is in use
mode (Optional): One-of: sent or received. When not specified, both are included. From the perspective of the character whose access token was used
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: N/A
Parameters: receivers (string): semi-colon separated list of receiver handles (max 25)
communication (string): text of the message
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: messages_send: Send messages to or from the character
Returns: 200 OK: Messages were sent successfully
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The client does not have the required permission to access this resource
404 Not Found: The specified character does not exist