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Fully Implemented

Fully Implemented

URL: https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/character/{uid}/credits[/]
Method: GET
Description: Gets the representation of the specified character's credits
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): name or UID of character whose credits these are
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: N/A
Parameters: N/A
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: character_credits: Read character credit information
Returns: 200 OK: Returns the representation for the specified character's credits
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The client does not have the required permission to access this resource
404 Not Found: The specified character does not exist or you do not have authorisation to access character information

URL: https://dev.swcombine.com/ws/v2.0/character/{uid}/credits[/]
Method: POST
Description: Transfers credits to the specified recipients
Pattern Description: uid (Mandatory): name or UID of character whose credits these are
Rate Limited: Yes
Query String: N/A
Parameters: recipient (string): The name of the character or faction to send credits to
amount (number): The amount of credits to send
reason (string, optional): The reason for the transfer. The name of the API client will be appended regardless of a reason being provided or not
Requires Authentication: Yes
Permissions: character_credits_write: Transfer character credits
Returns: 200 OK: Returns success/failure for each transaction
400 Bad Request: One or more of the provided parameters was invalid
401 Unauthorized: The client does not have the required permission to access this resource
404 Not Found: The specified character does not exist or you do not have authorisation to transfer character credits